Mittwoch, 2. April 2014

Liebster Award

Dear readers,

I'm so sorry that I don't post anything in the last week.
A while ago I was nominated by Rebekah Jessop for the Liebster Award! Thank you so much!
So here are my answers. Have fun.

My questions to you are:

 1. What is your favourite book, and why?
It's "Before I Die" by Jenny Downham.
This book shows that you have to enjoy every minute of your life.

I do really love this book. You should read it!

2. What sort of perfumes do you tend to purchase?
I prefer perfumes like Parisienne by YSL, Narciso Rodriguez and Chanel.

3. Where is your favourite place in the world, and why?
It's really California! Especially Los Angeles. It feels like home. <3
4. If you were granted three wishes, what would they be?
peace and freedom all over the world. money to realise my wishes. chanel bag 2.55.
5. You can only have one of the three things, which would it be: Foundation, Perfume or a Hairbrush.
6. Why did you decide to start a blog?
I love it to read different blogs and I wonder if I can do this too.
So it took a long time 'til I finally start a blog. And I'm really glad to have a blog.
And thank you so much that you recognize my blog!

7. Describe your style.
A mix of casual-chic. 
I love black.
8. Where do you like to shop?
Mango, H&M, Forever21, Secondhandshops
9. Describe your bedroom.
10. What are your most loved possessions? 
My friends for sure. And my only one Michael Kors bag.
11. And finally, do you prefer a relaxing night in with your pyjamas, or a crazy night out?
crazy night out. =)

For my next questions I nominate
larissa & michelle

The Rules:
You must link back to the person who nominated you.
You must answer the questions given to you.
You must pick 11 nominees to answer 11 questions you choose for them.
You cannot nominate the person who nominated you.
You must tell the nominees that they have been nominated by you.

My questions for you:
1. Do you prefer wedges or heels?
2. Where is your favourite place in the world, and why?
3. What are your most loved possessions? 
4. Describe your style.
5. Where do you like to shop?
6. What sort of perfumes do you tend to purchase?
7. What is your favourite book, and why?
8. What is your favorite song?  
9. Why did you decide to start a blog?
10. Skirt or Pants?
11. What is your must-have for this summer?

much love. <3 

Blogger Tricks

Freitag, 28. Februar 2014

Santa Monica

Was für schöne Gegenden in LA! Das hätte ich nicht gedacht. Ich habe mich eher darauf eingestellt auf heruntergekommene Viertel zu treffen, muss aber sagen dass LA weitaus schöner ist, als erwartet. Klar gibt es Stadtteile, wo man nicht rumlaufen sollte oder will, aber im Großen und Ganzen einfach sehr schön hier. Ich kann mir auch sehr gut vorstellen hier zu leben, soweit San Francisco es nicht toppen wird. ;) 
Santa Monica sollte man auf jeden Fall schonmal gesehen habe. Es ist zwar ein sehr großer Magnet für Touristen, aber klasse. Ich werde Euch demnächst aber kleine Tipps geben, wo es nicht so von Touristen wimmelt, und für meinen Geschmack ein Ticken schöner ist, als Santa Monica und Venice. 

Blouse: Pull&Bear, Pants: Zara, Shoes/Belt/Necklace: Primark, Sunglasses: Roberto Cavalli

Much Love. forloverss.

Warner Bros. Studios

 Das Warner Bros. Studios ist der hammer! Es war total klasse, hinter die Kulissen zu schauen, und die ganzen Drehorte zu bewundern. Leider konnte ich nicht die Kulisse von "The Big Bang Theory" sehen (bin ein Riesenfan der Serie), weil die zu dem Zeitpunkt gedreht haben, aber es war ein tolles Gefühl zu wissen, dass sie ganz in meiner Nähe waren. Ich hatte Standby-Tickets für den Dreh, aber leider habe ich keine richtige Karte mehr zum Dreh bekommen. Dafür konnte ich mir wenigstens die "Late Late Show" anschauen und mit David Copperfield auf der Bühne stehen. Aber dazu komme ich zu späteren Posts. :)

I visited the Warner Bros. Studios and it was awesome! It was so cool to see all the locations of all series and movies. You have to know that I love "The Big Bang Theory" and that they were filming while I visited the Studios. It feels good to know that I'm near to them. :D ... But lucky me I had the chance to see "the late late show" and the chance to be on the stage with David Copperfield. But more of it in my future posts. :)

New Yorker Scene Location. And it was used for the famous spider man kiss. 

All same locations were used for many of films and series. This one was also used by "The Big Bang Theory": the scene where Sheldon was stealing the film, I think it was "Indiana Jones".

"Friends" location
