Das Warner Bros. Studios ist der hammer! Es war total klasse, hinter die Kulissen zu schauen, und die ganzen Drehorte zu bewundern. Leider konnte ich nicht die Kulisse von "The Big Bang Theory" sehen (bin ein Riesenfan der Serie), weil die zu dem Zeitpunkt gedreht haben, aber es war ein tolles Gefühl zu wissen, dass sie ganz in meiner Nähe waren. Ich hatte Standby-Tickets für den Dreh, aber leider habe ich keine richtige Karte mehr zum Dreh bekommen. Dafür konnte ich mir wenigstens die "Late Late Show" anschauen und mit David Copperfield auf der Bühne stehen. Aber dazu komme ich zu späteren Posts. :)
I visited the Warner Bros. Studios and it was awesome! It was so cool to see all the locations of all series and movies. You have to know that I love "The Big Bang Theory" and that they were filming while I visited the Studios. It feels good to know that I'm near to them. :D ... But lucky me I had the chance to see "the late late show" and the chance to be on the stage with David Copperfield. But more of it in my future posts. :)
How cool is that? I used to watch David Copperfield when I was a kid :)
AntwortenLöschenLooks like you had fun. I've never been there...but since it's in the same state that I live in....maybe I should check it out sometime lol.
xo Azu
Yeah you should do that! It's great. :)
LöschenDavid C. was really cool but the show was too short.
Beautiful pics, seems you had a great time! Thanks for your comment in my blog, would you like to follow each other?:)
Thanks, yes it's really great here in California. I love it.
LöschenSure I follow u now. :)